Jumat, 25 April 2014

Xubuntu 14.04 LTS aka Trusty Tahr : A Review and A Little More ...

About a week ago, Ubuntu finally announced the availability of the newest release, Ubuntu 14.04. codenamed Trusty Tahr, which was then followed by its offcial variants including Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu. Well, I have googled through many sites but I found many of them gave a review on Ubuntu, but only a few gave a review about Xubuntu. So, for now I’d like to give a little review about it, based on my own experience of course..

About Xubuntu itself

Xubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu which is targeted to be a lightweight Linux distro to be used on a computer with a low hardware specification. So it uses the lightweight XFCE desktop (Xubuntu claimed that the word comes from XFCE+Ubuntu) combined with some lightweight apps like Abiword and Gnumeric intead of LibreOffice. Xubuntu 14.04 is also a Long Term Support release, which means we will get any updates and supports for a longer period. But unlike Ubuntu 14.04 which will be supported until the next five years, Xubuntu will only officially be supported for three years (it means until April 2017). But three is more than enough. 

My own experience : Smooth and Easy

Now, it’s time to write my own experience. When I used it for the first time, I think it run smoothly on my netbook with Intel Atom Nxx Processor and 1 GB RAM. It consumed only about 20% (about 200 MB) of RAM when it’s idle while its CPU usage is about 3% - 17%. It’s lightweight enough.

I also like the appearance of Whisker Menu applet as the default menu. Whisker is really cool (compared to that old school classic menu). I customized it so it’s much like a traditional Windows XP menu by dragging its default panel to the bottom now. It's of course easy to use, even for them who just migrated from Windows.
My customized Xubuntu Trusty Desktop

Problems (and solution)

Nothing is perfect. Here are a few problems I found in Xubuntu 14.04:

Brightness control did not work

I couldn’t set the brighness level using the keyboard brightness button control. It never happened on the previous Ubuntu versions. Fortunately, I found a solution by doing these steps:

1. Open the file in /etc/default/grub (you must use mousepad as root to do this) and find this line


2. Edit it like this

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"

3. Save the changes you have made, nad then open terminal.
4. Then type this command:

$sudo update-grub

5. Reboot

The default maximum brightness level is too damn high

After the brightness control was solved, I found another problem. The default brightness level  is too damn high and even it was always reset to its default after reboot. And thanks Google for getting me to the right user who faced the same problem to solve it. Just follow the steps:
1.  Open the file in /etc/rc.local (as root)
2.  Before the Exit=0 line, add this line:

echo X > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

Replace X with the desired value. In my netbook, value of X varies from 0 to 13046. It can be different depending on your graphic cards

3. Save it and reboot

Screen did not turn on after a suspend from a laptop lid

Here is another problem... My netbook’s screen did not turn on after being suspended on a laptop lid, so I had to reboot it.. Till now I can’t still find the solution yet.. Maybe I really have to wait

Well, I think that’s all my review for Xubuntu 14.04. Overall it’s a near perfect Linux desktop for you who wants to feel the new updated Ubuntu softwares without needing to use your computer’s resources for too much.

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

My favorites on Superman

Setelah sekian lama saya memendam hasrat, akhirnya hari Senin kesampaian juga keinginan untuk menyaksikan film Superman terbaru, "Man Of Steel". Film ini merupakan reboot cerita Superman, yang menampilkan Henry Cavill sebagai bintang utamanya.

Ngomong-ngomong soal Superman, ada beberapa pemeran karakter dalam cerita Superman yang jadi favorit saya.. And here they are..

Pemeran Superman/Clark Kent favorit : Christopher Reeve (Superman Movie I-IV)..
Sepertinya mendiang Reeve masih menjadi yang terbaik yang sanggup memisahkan karakter Superman dan Cark Kent
Pemeran Jonathan Kent Favorit : John Schneider (Smallville)
Jonathan Kent yang bijaksana yang mengajari Clark menjadi manusia diperankan begitu apik oleh Schneider. Bahkan Kevin Costner pun kalah apik.
Pemeran Martha Kent Favorit : Annette O'Toole (Smallville)
Pemeran Perry White Favorit : Lane Smith (Lois and Clark : The New Adventures of Superman)
Smith menjadi Perry White yang paling melekat di benak
Pemeran Lois Lane Favorit : Erica Durance (Smallville).. She is the hottes Lois Lane ever... meski jujur saya merasa Lois Lane versi Durance mirip dengan Lois versi Teri Hatcher (Lois and Clark).
Pemeran Lana Lang Favorit : Stacy Haiduk (Superboy). Kristin Kreuk boleh lebih cantik, tapi sosok Haiduk sebagai Lana terus melekat di bernak saya
Pemeran Lex Luthor Favorit : Michael Rosenbaum (Smallville)
Lex Luthor yang paling komplit jahatnya...

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013


I felt safe whenever you were near
I felt happiness when you appeared
A feeling I couldn't describe
When you were by my side

You brought me joy when I was sad
You came and made me feel so glad
Then you gave me hope
And strength to cope

How I wish you would feel it too
All the things you never knew
How I wish could have it disguised
But all are seen in the look of my eyes

Kamis, 06 September 2012

Biaya Windows vs Biaya Linux

Baru-baru ini saya iseng-iseng mencari tahu harga software Microsoft original atau asli di Forum Jual Beli yang saya ikuti. Yang saya cari tentu saja sistem opeasi dan aplikasi perkantoran yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi netbook yang saya miliki.

Saya kemudian mencari tahu harga dari Microsoft Windows XP SP3 dan Windows 7. Hasilnya, harga Windows XP berada dalam kisaran Rp 325.000,00 s.d 400.000,00. Sementara Windows 7 berada dalam kisaran harga Rp 450.000 hingga Rp 800.000. Sengaja saya cari harga untuk versi OEM yang memang paling murah biaya lisensinya (meski saya sendiri tidak tahu apakah penjualan Windows OEM secara terpisah dengan pembelian PC/Laptop baru melanggar hukum atau tidak). Sementara untuk harga aplikasi perkantoran Microsoft Office 2010 yang paling murah yaitu edisi Home & Student dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp 600.000,00.

Jadi kalau saya menginginkan sistem operasi Windows dan Microsoft Office original untuk netbook saya harus mengeluarkan biaya antara Rp 900.000,00 sampai Rp 1.400.000,00. Biaya yang ternyata hampir separuh dari harga netbook saya. Belum lagi jika saya harus membeli aplikasi semacam CorelDRAW atau Adobe Photoshop yang harganya mungkin lebih mahal dari harga netbook saya.

Sementara jika saya memilih menggunakan GNU/Linux seperti Ubuntu atau Linux Mint, saya bisa mendapatkan sistem operasi cukup dengan beberapa puluh ribu rupiah saja. Kalau ingin mendownload sendiri, mungkin saya hanya menghabiskan biaya sekitar Rp 50.000,00 saja. Sementara kalau malas mengundih sendiri, saya bisa membeli ke penjual CD/DVD Linux (Belakangan saya juga mencoba peruntungan di bisnis yang sama.. hehe) dengan kisaran harga Rp 5.000,00 - Rp 20.000,00 saja.

berbeda dengan Windows yang dalam keping CD/DVD-nya hanya menyediakan sistem operasi plus aplikasi dasar., dalam satu CD/DVD distro Linux biasanya telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai aplikasi penting sehar-hari seperti perkantoran (Office), internet, multimedia, dan grafis (baik penampil maupun pengolah yang di sistem operasi berbayar harus dibeli terpisah). Jika masih butuh aplikasi tambahan saya dapat menambah sendiri dengan mengunduhnya secara gratis dari repository internet atau kalau malas, saya bisa membelinya dengan harga sekitar Rp 100.000,00 saja.

Well, ternyata memakai Linux jauh lebih hemat dan tetap legal,,,

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Awal yang baru

Ya, sejak beberapa hari lalu saya resmi mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan tempat saya bekerja selama ini. Mungkin terdengar nekad karena saya sama sekali belum mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Meski kalau boleh jujur, saya sebenarnya masi ingin bertahan di sana untuk beberapa waktu. Tapi sesuatu hal telah membuat saya mau tidak mau memang harus meninggalkan kantor tersebut.

Sebuah masalah kecil yang terjadi sebulan sebelumnya telah melebar terlalu besar, di mana saya merasa menjadi pihak yang paling disalahkan. Beban saya yang paling berat di antara teman-teman lain yang ikut dianggap bersalah. Ditambah kenyataan beban saya justru ditambahi dengan memiliki dua tanggung jawab yang sama besarnya, padahal beberapa bulan sebelumnya pihak atasan menyatakan kalau beban saya dikurangi dengan lebih berfokus ke satu tanggung jawab saja. saya merasa tak lagi diperlakukan selayaknya manusia. 

Saya pun terus-terusan menjadi korban kerasnya kata-kata dan amarah atasan saya, Saya tahu...saya tak sanggup lagi. Puncaknya ketika saya mengajukan permohonan izin baik-baik justru dianggap sebagai ketidakniatan saya untuk bekerja, saya merasa sudah waktunya saya pergi. Sudah waktunya saya meninggalkan perusahaan yang menghalangi karyawan melaksanakan kewajibannya sebagai warga negara hanya demi laba perusahaan. Dan saya rasa kalimat terbaik yang bisa saya ucapkan adalah kalimat pengunduran diri.

Jujur, rasa sakit hati saya sedikit bertambah ketika tahu karyawan yang dianggap baik sebenarnya melakukan berbagai kecurangan. Jadi, saya semakin mantap meninggalkan tempat yang tak lagi menghargai kejujuran.

Kini, saya mencoba memulai hidup baru. Mencoba merintis untuk berwirausaha yang saya coba mulai dari berjualan pulsa. Saya pun masih punya angan-angan untuk mengembangkan usaha lainnya. Saya hanya bisa berusaha dan berdoa sekuat tenaga agar hasilnya barokah.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Installing Xubuntu 12.04 on HP Mini 110-3159 Netbook

A few days ago I decided to buy a new netbook when there was a computer expo in this city I currently live. At first, I actually wanted to buy a new hard disk drive for my old Pentium IV PC. But it seemed that I can only get a secondhand HDD, so I decided it's time to buy something new so I can easily satisfy my hunger of exploring computer system.

Why a netbook? The answer is simple. I didn't want to spend too much money. Despite the fact that netbooks have no optical disc drive, but it's no secret that netbooks are less expensive. So I tried to find the cheapest netbook, the branded one of course. And I guessed I was lucky when a counter shop offered a branded netbook with a really low price. It might be absolutely a clearance sale but I didn't really give a damn about it.

And the netbook is HP Mini 110-3500 series. The hardware specifications are:
  • Intel Atom N570
  • 320 GB Hard Disk Drive
  • Card Reader
  • Wi-Fi
  • 3 USB slots
  • etc
It's something worthed I guess.

The netbook originally came with a Free-DOS, but the retailer offered me to install an illegal copy of Windows 7. At this time I pretended to be a computer novice, so I gave an agreement.

But when I finally arrived at home, I tried that Win 7 just a little. Then I booted Xubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) into my netbook from a USB Flash Disk. When I found that everything seemed to work fine, I erased that illegal OS and installed Xubuntu 12.04 on it.

Just like its live USB version who worked well, so did the installed system. Almost every hardware detected and worked perfectly. Not only the common hardwares like keyboard and display, the mobile modem, Wi-Fi adapter and the webcam also worked the way I wanted to. The only problem is that I can't use the touchpad to do a double click.

Well, just like my usual "hobby", I also customize the desktop. I deleted the second panel and replaced it with Cairo-dock. I also installed Screenlets to give my desktop some widgets.

Well, I guess it's enough for now. I'd like to say "don't be afraid to try to use GNU/Linux ".

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Forgive Me, A Review of Maher Zain’s New Album

I’ve begun to fall in love with Maher Zain’s music ever since the first time I watched and listened to his song “Insha Allah” (the original version not the duet version with Fadly “Padi”) from his first album “Thank You Allah”.  His first album was proved to be successful. When he announced that he would release a new album, my heart said “I can’t wait”. The album was preceded by his new single and video “Number One For Me". A song that is dedicated to all Mothers in the world. So when it was finally released, I  went to a CD store and bought his new album, entitled “Forgive Me”.

Well, unlike his first album, which had many soul and hip hop elements, this album is more pop-oriented though you can still find Arabian sound in songs like “Mawlaya” and “Assalamu Alayka”. Some songs even have a universal theme. Songs like “Number One For Me” or “Freedom” (a single which had been released many months ago) seem to be an evidence which I believe it will also attract the non-Moslem listeners.

In this album, you might not find an emotional ballad like “Insha Allah” but there are still many beautiful songs to listen to like the first track “Ku MilikMu” (an Indonesian interpretation of “I Love You So”) and the title track “Forgive Me”. The song “Paradise” seems like a sequel to “For The Rest Of My Life” and “Masha Allah” seem to be a sequel to “Baraka Allah” from his first album. There is also a song entitled “So Soon" which almost makes me cry when I read the lyrics cause it reminds me to my late parents.

I almost forget one thing. I find an interesting fact in every Maher Zain’s album. Zain is a Moslem and his albums contain Islamic music but not all the musician involved in his albums are Moslems. He often works with Moslem musisian like Billal Hajji (who also works with Backstreet Boys and Lady Gaga) and Mohammad “Moh” Denebi (who works with Michael Learns To Rock), but most musicians work with him are not Moslems. For example you can find Crister Jansson (who often works in Roxette’s albums) playing drums here. You can also find some Non-Moslems backing musicians playing strings and other instruments.

Overall, this album is a nice album. I may give four of five stars.